Thursday, September 3, 2009

Along the Road--a seed painting

"Along the Road"

Sun shined high on Blue fox

Purely paused at back---

Prayed'n moved with steady breath

N'held there to day's end.

I had a thought come to me yesterday that my writing could be called

"figurative abstract verse". I saw those words "figurative, abstract"

I don't remember where right now--and the rest just popped into my head.

It sounded right.

I think this freedom I give myself in writing any way I want--

making my own rules is one of the reasons I paint the way I do.

It's probably true for all self-taught/naive artist.

The child in us doesn't realize there are so many rules in life.

The good side of all those rules being imposed on us is

that it gives our external world order.

The other side of the coin is that it can restrict our self-expression,

if we feel what we have to say doesn't fit the mold.

Funny thing --Linda doesn't feel obligated to restrict the expression

of her internal world through her painting or how she arranges the dishes

on the table or how she designs and plants the garden.......

But when it comes to going against a "Don't Walk on the Grass" sign

--you'll have to drag her across.