Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brighter side of the Coin

Garden to kitchen

Along the Road



I've been reading about sacred fools and clowns

and came across an interesting book called

The Sacred

Ways of Knowledge

Sources of life

"It is important to remember that the knowledge at the core

of most traditional or aboriginal beliefs and practices

remains virtually unchanged since our Road of Life

has not changed at all much.

We are still faced with four traditional enemies:

Poverty, Sickness, Fatigue and Old age.

We can still map the sacred boundaries of our world.

The seasons continue their cycle of change,

and the stars appear as night covers the earth.

People are born and people die.

The study of these phenomena

and their relationship with one another

is where the study of all North American religions

and Sacred ways begin."

From "My Little Corner of the World"

The contradiction that statement offers is awesome.

"Poverty, Sickness, Fatigue,Old Age"

Nothing stays the same?

But on the other side of the coin----

we are given something inspiring.

"We can still map the sacred boundaries of our world.

The seasons continue their cycle of change,

and the stars appear as night covers the earth.

People are born and people die."