Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Zen Poems of Ryokan

The Zen Poems of Ryokan translated by John Stevens
are my favorites right now--

From Dewdrops on a Lotus Leaf

A Visit to Mr. Fuji's Villa

It's several miles outside the town

And I walk there together with the woodsman

Along a meandering footpath through rows of verdant pines.

In the valley around us, sweet-smelling wild

plum blossoms.

Every time I visit, I gain something new,

And there I truly feel at ease.

The fish in his pond are big as dragons,

And the surrounding forest is still the day long.

The inside of his home is full of treasures:

Volumes of books scattered about!

Inspired, I loosen my robe, browse through the books,

And then compose my own verse.

At twilight I walk along the eastern corridor

Where I'm greeted again by a little flock of spring birds.