Life Inspired by Art?
36 by 30 inches
by Linda Carter Holman
I just realized that this painting was inspired by life.
(Someone we passed on a Saturday afternoon drive.)
This week we had the painting photographed.
Afterwards Dillon had been looking at the image
--scanning it into his computer for future use.
The image was on his mind, I guess.
Because the next morning I recieved this picture.
He came across the picture of this girl.
he put her in the desert, added the lamb, rabbit, tortoise,
snake, bird in hand, the blue vase,
there is even a little mission down by her feet,
the sun behind her head, and the ladder in her pocket.
Inspiration is an interesting subject.
I had come to the conclussion recently that it is like a circle---
.....Inspire....and be inspired....
Today I'm thinking It is more like a spiral
flowing at both ends.
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